The Three Geniuses! John Lennon, Nikola Tesla, and Mark Fennell. Notice how similar our looks are.
John Lennon and Nikola Tesla are two of my favorite men. They are geniuses who I admire. You can also see from this picture, it seems we are more similar than I originally thought! (This also became a favorite picture on Facebook).
Recently, some have compared me to Vincent Van Gogh.
*There are some spiritualists who believe that I am indeed…Vincent Van Gogh.
This is plausible, based on the close resemblance. Also, I have always felt that the biography of Vincent Van Gogh could be my own, as I relate to his personality in many ways.
*Note also that this picture was not planned. I went out with friends, and one friend saw a hat for me to buy. Then took some pictures. There was no planning in this picture of me at all. It is possible that we were guided for this.