Research for Nuclear Power Publications

The publications on Nuclear Power were extensively researched. To get an idea of the research involved, just take a look at the detailed table of contents and the data tables.

There are many topics related to nuclear power, perhaps more topics than for any other source of electrical power. Therefore each of these topics had to be researched.

There are many questions to be answered. You want those answers as much as I do. You want to trust those answers are accurate; and I did the extensive research and cross-checking of information so that you could indeed trust these answers.

Furthermore, nuclear power has many inherent hazards along the benefits. It is a safety and environmental concern to many people, while being an efficient source of power for others. Therefore it was essential that I was highly accurate in every aspect of this book. To that end, I never relied on just one source, but on several.

Indeed, I took a personal approach to the hazards. I always thought “If I were there, would this harm me?” and “If I were in this situation, what would I want to know?” By taking every situation so personally, I became invested in getting the most accurate answers.

Most important, I based my writing on a deep understanding of the sciences involved. My background is in chemistry and physics, therefore I was already familiar with much of the processes before beginning. Then I added to my knowledge by researching all the related sciences, all the related technologies, and all the related histories. I also applied my technical proficiency in atomic chemistry to all topics, develop concepts further and to understand them as fully as possible.

Also do notice that I read as many anti-nuclear power publications as pro-nuclear power publications. I read the primary sources and data whenever possible. And I always thought about the science in practical terms, in context of reality (not just the idealized textbook statements).

In brief, this book is perhaps more extensively researched and cross-checked than any other book (aside from the Coal Power book). You can trust the information presented within these pages.