E-books on Hydro Power

Hydropower e-books

Hydropower Basic Concepts (including MicroHydro)

Hydroelectric power is simple, environmentally friendly, and provides many side benefits. This book offers basic understanding and practical tips to make the most out of hydropower systems.

Unique to this book is the series of equations: any equation you may need to calculate the amount of power produced from your hydropower system. The book also provides practical tips on micro-hydro systems for those readers who are considering installing microhydro.

Turbines for Hydropower

Using a more efficient turbine will create more electricity. Whether you are building a micro-hydro system or a megawatt power plant, it is important to choose the proper turbine for your particular situation. This book explains the operation of each of the most commonly used turbines and discusses the pros and cons of each.


Note that the e-book editions have the same written material as the paperback, but in some cases fewer illustrations and fewer tables. The paperback version is the most complete, with all illustrations and all tables.