Transportation Agency Books by Mark Fennell

Transportation Agency Books by Mark Fennell

The Citizen’s Guide to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

This book examines all agencies within the Federal Railroad Administration. The FRA provides oversight of all railroad companies and rail infrastructure within the United States. This includes all freight, passenger, and high speed rail systems. The two largest sub-agencies in FRA are the Office of Railroad Development and the Office of Safety.

The Citizen’s Guide to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

This book discusses the agencies and programs within the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Motor carriers include a variety of vehicles, primarily in the categories of busses and trucks. Each of these vehicles has inherent hazards. Because of the many hazards related to trucks and busses (“motor carriers”) the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) exists to minimize the dangers due to these vehicles.

The Citizen’s Guide to FHWA Office of Highway Operations

This book focuses on the Office of Highway Operations within the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The FHWA Office of Highway Operations provides guidance and leadership for improving the traffic flow on all areas of road, in any type of circumstance.

The Citizen’s Guide to FHWA Office of Highway Safety

This book focuses on the Office of Safety within the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The FHWA Office of Safety exists to make our roadways safer. The Office of Safety has numerous tools and programs to achieve this goal. Some of the more significant programs/tools include: Bicycle Compatibility Index (BCI), Ped/Bike Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT), Pedestrian Safety Guide and System (PEDSAFE), Geometric Design, Highways for Life (HfL), Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), Red Light Cameras, and Road Safety Audits.

The Citizen’s Guide to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

This book is the complete guide to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The major offices in the FHWA are: Office of Planning, Office of Infrastructure, Office of Operations, Office of Safety, Office of Policy, Office of Research, and the Federal Lands Highway Division. 500 pages, including acronym list and index.