CTC June: Visualize Using Your Frontal Regions

Your Frontal Regions are Your Display Screen

The Frontal Regions of your mind are where all visualization activities take place. When you close your eyes, you can “look” into your frontal regions. You can then see many wonderful things. Anything you want to create. It is all there.

The Frontal Regions of your mind are very similar to a movie screen. Other parts of your mind will create the scenes, then this can be displayed in your Frontal Regions.

I have had much experience with this. In fact, the frontal regions are aspects of the mind I use almost regularly. And I have used them regularly since I was a teenager.

Real Examples of Using Frontal Regions of the Mind

When I created my Advanced Flood Control System, I could imagine being there. The entire system, fully created. I could walk inside the tunnels. I could see the walls. I watched as the water flowed down the chutes, and into conditioners below. It was all there…in the front of my mind. Displayed at the Frontal Regions.

When I began to visualize the structure of particles, with their interweaving of energy strings, I could see it all in my mind. Even now, as I write this, I can visualize the energy strings intertwining, looping, and flowing in continuous circles. It is all there, in the Frontal Regions.

The same has occurred with Gravity Strings. I have been able to visualize all aspects of Gravity Strings. Every interaction, as they gravity strings intertwine and pull their particles together. How the gravity strings merge together and grow longer. All of this and more, I can play as movies in my mind, clearly visible in my frontal regions.

Every invention, I can easily visualize, as if it is there. I can imagine the entire thing. How it will be for energies to flow. How the workers will operate it. What it will be like for someone to be there, using it, in various ways. I can visualize this, for every invention, and every component.

Similarly, I can perform experiments in my mind. These are just as good as any “Computer Simulation”. Perhaps better. I can bring various objects together. I can see them in motion. I can turn them around in 3-D, and see them from different viewpoints. It is better than any computer simulation.

I begin with the particles, energy strings, or other objects….then I bring various objects together. I then visualize what is likely to happen. This confirms for me that my scientific solutions are correct, because the scenes play out as I predict they will. And if not, then I will see a physical complication. I work around it.

Within inventions, the situation is similar. I visualize I am there. I watch the operations. I then notice something that needs to be improved. We need another component. Another system. A different layout of components.

*Thus, you can see how the Frontal Regions of the mind can produce the greatest visuals. You can get a full physical reality, in great detail. Your mind, as the master computer, will create the designs, the scenes, the events…and all of this will be played out before you…on the movie screen of your own Frontal Regions.

Training Your Mind to Visualize in Your Frontal Regions

You can start practicing this by closing your eyes. Then think of an object. Visualize everything about the object. The shape, color. Think of the locations. The environment. And now notice how all of this is displayed in the front of your mind.

Then you can start creating scenes. Begin with a few objects, or a few characters. Begin with an environment. A small story. Then let the movie run in your mind. This movie will play before you, as if you are no longer creating it. It is just there, for you to enjoy, based on the starting factors you put into the program.

Soon you will be able to imagine full scenes. You can visualize complex stories. This will allow you to create novels, movie script, and future possibilities. You can create characters and inventions which are completely unique.

And you can now see them all, in the front of your mind, as if they were very real. As they if they actually existed. And all you do is watch them. Part of your mind creates the objects or characters, then lets the scene evolve in front of you, in the front of your mind.

Visualizing with Open Eyes and Beautiful Scenes

Over time, you will become so proficient at this, that you do not need to close your eyes. You can visualize most of this, while writing at the same time. You can type, or you can talk, as you report exactly what you are seeing. It is all there, as a type of physical reality. Playing in front of you. Then you observe in your mind, and write it out, at the same time.

Of course, it does help to often close your eyes. It also helps to look out into the distance….or at an attractive picture.

You are not actually looking out there…it is more of a resting point for your eyes. Your eyes look there, but your mind only slightly registers the view. You do this while your inner mind focuses on the visuals in your frontal regions. Thus, looking out over a beautiful view, or looking at a beautiful picture, can be just as effective as closing your eyes.

Indeed, by doing this method, you can keep your eyes open. This allows you to visualize in your mind, then write.

This is a method I use all the time. Indeed my entire daily life, for everything I write and design, is done by using this method.

Viewing the Spiritual Visions with Frontal Regions

When you have accomplished this skill, and reached this level, then it is time to proceed to the next level: receiving spiritual visions, and watching metaphysical messages.

Whenever you get a Vision or Spiritual Dream, this visual is displayed in the front of your mind. The origins come from someone else. Yet the display is the same as always. Your display screen is your frontal regions.

I have much experience with this. I have received so many visions from metaphysical guides….it is impossible to count the number. Therefore, I know quite well what it is like to receive these visions. And how best to display them on the front of your mind.

Note that the display of Visions is often an ACTIVE participation. This means that you…very consciously….must do your part to display those visions. You must also do your own work to hold them in place, and focus as you need. It is very active, and very much an awake, conscious activity.

When you are ready to learn the secrets of this process, when you begin receiving visions, then I will tell you what I know.

Most other visions will not require this type of attention. The picture or movie scene will display, in your frontal regions, and you simply watch. But you must watch carefully. Because it will not be repeated. Be sure to observe carefully.

The difficult aspect of looking at the visions is when you want to see details. This is especially true for the words and numbers. The real trick is to hold it in place with one part of your mind, while focusing on the vision with another part of your mind. If you focus without holding, the vision will disappear, like a puff of smoke. Therefore, you must actively hold the vision with the right front lobe, then focus your attention on the middle. That is the best way to see the details.

Also, any real world distractions can break the signal connections. Thus it is best to find ways to ignore such distractions…or tell the distractions to go away…while the transmission is being broadcast.

These are the most important tips regarding viewing the spiritual visions. In other articles, I will give additional tips, and many personal examples.